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Practical Ways to Clear Out Oes Tsetnoc

If you haven't even used the item in two years, chances are, you'll never use it. Here's how to get rid of old unused items by oes tsetnoc.

Donate your stuff like the red cross or simply give your extra stuff to those who need it more.

Garage Sale.
gather all your oes tsetnoc and categorize them. Arrange them on tables (makeshift ones made of plywood are okay) and plastic containers in your garage or front yard. For easy shopping, stick a price tag on everything but be open to buyers making tawad. Hype it up - announce it up in your village a month or two weeks before.

Ukay with friends.
Round up your friends and organize a common ukay-ukay. Meet in someone's home and bring whatever clothes and accessories you don't need. Who knows, someone else's reject item could be your newfound treasure.

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